Thursday, 25 August 2016

Questions before Stating Ceiling Removal

It is very common in these days that home owners remove the ceiling. They don't either by themselves or call a contractor. Even though there are numerous contractors which are providing very good services but it is also not very uncommon that many people have been scammed in the name of services. Home owner tend to choose inexpensive home interior services as the value of real state is suffering now a days. So what should they consider before asking for professional help? Here are some points they should ask before hiring any professionals.

Is test compulsory?

First and very important question is to ask. You should have it in mind that under which circumstances your house need to be tested?  House which were built before 1978, they need to get tested. The reason behind this is that the house may have asbestos in it which is found to be very dangerous to health and may lead to cancer. The contractor will send the sample of the Popcorn Ceilings to the lab so they could know if it is safe to proceed or not as the hazardous dust by asbestos will lead to much dangerous problems to health.

Should it be DIY or not?

Another question you will need to ask or may have it in mind that if you can do that by DIY method, it does sound very good as you will be able to save some buck and can complete the whole process by yourself. But most of the time the home owners are not good enough in handling the task and that lead to the more damages of the house areas.

Painted ceiling removal difficult?

Yes. Painted ceiling require more expertise that is why a professional service is required.

How will my house look?

Messy. Yes your house will look like a complete mess. It is better to take your furniture and belonging outside of the house. Though in some cases the owner tend to cover the halls and furniture but still it is better to take them outside.

How much time will it take?

Vary. Every house has different size and shape which is why the ceiling removal process may take a little time or it may be much time consuming. But it also depends upon the professional service too.
 It is better advised that you should do some research before starting and you should hire the reputed company before starting. For more details about PopcornTexture Removal and Stipple Ceiling Removal feels free to contact us. 


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