Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Steps to Remove Popcorn Ceiling Texture

There was the time when popcorn ceiling was a thing of innovation and a basic part of interior design. It gives the house a modern and sleek look and at that time it was quite unique way to decorate the interior. But now a day's most the home owners of old or traditional homes where it was used, want this to be removed and they want to do it by themselves. Let's talk about the popcorn texture removal process.


Whole process is quite time consuming for a non professional.  Before starting you will need to prepare the place. Starting with the moving the furniture. Move out as much furniture as much you can as the process. You may have some heavy furniture which is not easy to move, so it would be better to cover it with some heavy duty cover. You will also need to cover the walls with the layers of cover as well to avoid any staining.

Make sure your popcorn ceilings are asbestos free. If you are not sure then you should send a sample of your texture to the laboratory and get to know if it is safe to proceed. Or call the professional ceiling removers.

Starting with the applying the water to the ceiling with passes, this is better to let the ceiling soak the water to soften the surface. Water will be helpful in doing the task as the moist texture can easily be scraping off with the joint knife. One thing should be kept in mind that too much water can damage the paper surface of the ceiling and wallboard.
Paint and Prime

If the ceiling was cut while texture removal then use a simple compound joint and skim a thin coat with a knife onto the damage area. Then apply a coat of latex paint when you are finished applying your primer. When the paint has dried, you will need to apply another coat.

Cleaning Up

Once you are done with the task remove the plastic from the walls. You may find some of the texture on the floor but it's not really a big deal it can easily come off. 


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