Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Steps For Safety Asbestos Popcorn Ceiling

Asbestos popcorn ceilings was a huge part of interior in 70's as it was one of the best option which could hide the imperfections of the ceiling very well. With the usage of polymer type substance or the silicate type material the Asbestos Popcorn Ceiling were applied. But with the passage of time popcorn ceilings cause much complex health problems. Even it has been found as a serious reason of lung cancer. If you found asbestos in your ceiling then proper precaution should be taken in order to avoid health problems.


Start with the room checking. If you have doubt that your room ceiling is filled with asbestos material then you shouldn’t stay in that room or live in that room. You should consider calling the professionals as they know to deal with the asbestos material and removing them from your home. Just covering this thing won't be helpful.

Asbestos tests are important for the homes as if the homes are built of 1970's then there are chances that your ceiling contains the asbestos element. Just go online and check by yourself about the asbestos tests. Most of the local GOVT has strict laws about the asbestos in homes so it is important that you consult some professional and let them see what they have to do.

If you found the asbestos in the popcornceilings then it is the time that it should be removed. The removal is not something that easily be completed with single person. There are some special requirements which should be completed in order to remove the ceiling with asbestos. If you don’t have any idea or have a little idea about those then it’s better to avoid doing it by yourself and call the professionals. They won't cost much and wont takes much time.

If you tend to do it by yourself then you shouldn’t scratch the ceiling by yourself. Scratching the ceiling will cause the releasing of the little particles in the air which may be asbestos, and one can inhale easily and thus may suffer from serious health issue later.

If the ceiling remover professionals have completed their work then you should hire some painters because know you will need your ceiling to be painted. Last but not the least is that you should disclose all the asbestos in the ceiling in the document. It is important in some states

1 comment:

  1. Nice and informative post. Choosing best asbestos removal companies ensure safe & secure asbestos disposal services. Check out asbestos removal Melbourne cost.
